
Terrain not showing up in horde editor
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Author:  neighborlee [ 06.10.2012, 18:03 ]
Post subject:  Terrain not showing up in horde editor

HI there ;)

Using horde3d editor, I added a new terrain via converter on menu, I got no errors yet the terrain isn't showing up in the 3d view area.

Any ideas ?

Author:  Irdis [ 06.10.2012, 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Terrain not showing up in horde editor

Hi neighborlee.
Maybe you don't have a terrain shader in your project shader folder? Or the material for the terrain is not correct...

Author:  neighborlee [ 06.10.2012, 18:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Terrain not showing up in horde editor

I chose particle1.material for the material, and heightmap.png ( my creation) for Height Map.

Am I supposed to supply my own terrain.material ( which now I see, does contain a detail texture, which I guess is why
my terrain isnt showing up) before adding to editor , and what about shader , is that solely to allow the terrain to work in horde3d given its shader based
system ?

I presume the detail texture can be just about anything, as long as its the same dimensions as the heightmap ?

Thanks so much for your quick reply ;)))

Author:  Volker [ 06.10.2012, 21:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Terrain not showing up in horde editor

You may want to check the content directory of terrain extension's sample app to understand what you need to render a terrain.

Author:  neighborlee [ 06.10.2012, 22:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Terrain not showing up in horde editor

There is a heightmap ( heightmap.tga), a detailmap ( detail.jpg) and a terrain.material.xml file, and I have placed my versions ( without changing anything)
in my own scene DIR. My heightmap now is visible ;), but the texture is still not coming in.

Must anything be changed in shader to get my detail map to be applied to heightmap in the editor ? ;)

I did look but Im not understanding mechanisms involved apparently.


Volker wrote:
You may want to check the content directory of terrain extension's sample app to understand what you need to render a terrain.

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