
Scene Description Language?
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Author:  Atom [ 14.02.2016, 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Scene Description Language?

HI All,

Does Horde3D have a scene description language like Lux, Yafaray or other open source render engines?

I am looking to write an ascii exporter to use Horde3D to render 3D scenes from Houdini.

Does Horde3D work that way?


Author:  Volker [ 14.02.2016, 19:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene Description Language?

Not directly. You can export it in a scene description XML file together with the binary model data. But there is no integrated scripting language. But you may be able to make it work as you want it to be by implementing something based on the various language bindings available for Horde3D

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