I am creating textures in JPG, PNG and TGA formats and applying them to a simple rectangular box that I have exported from Blender 2.69 using a material. But when using the forward or deferred pipeline, I am not seeing ANY texture detail on the item! Oddly, if I add a sphere to the scene (such as the Knight is standing on in the Knight sample app), the textures appear perfectly fine for that. I get the general colour of the texture on my object but not the texture itself. Any pointers?
Here is my light:
H3DRes FLightMatRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Material, "materials/light.material.xml", 0 );
H3DNode light = h3dAddLightNode( H3DRootNode, "Light1", FLightMatRes, "LIGHTING", "SHADOWMAP" );
h3dSetNodeTransform( light, 300, 1000, -40, -45, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::RadiusF, 0, 200 );
h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::FovF, 0, 90 );
h3dSetNodeParamI( light, H3DLight::ShadowMapCountI, 3 );
h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::ShadowSplitLambdaF, 0, 0.9f );
h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::ShadowMapBiasF, 0, 0.001f );
h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 0, 0.9f );
h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 1, 0.9f );
h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 2, 0.9f );
Here is my "concretepanel" scene XML:
<Model name="concretepanel" geometry="models/concretepanel/concretepanel.geo">
<Mesh name="Cube" material="models/concretepanel/concretematerial.material.xml" rx="-0" ry="0" rz="-180" sx="-2.94385" sy="4.97642" sz="0.164309" batchStart="0" batchCount="36" vertRStart="0" vertREnd="23" />
Here is my material for the panel:
<Shader source="shaders/model.shader" />
<ShaderFlag name="_F01_Skinning" />
<ShaderFlag name="_F02_NormalMapping"/>
<Sampler name="albedoMap" map="models/concretepanel/water0hk.jpg" />
That water JPG is found at
http://www.interlopers.net/images/hl2tutorials/water_textures/water0hk.jpgI have attached the concrete panel GEO and source DAE (renamed with .txt extensions). Do you see any problems? I am completely stumped!