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Having problem with deferred pipeline http://www.horde3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2299 |
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Author: | Almahmudrony [ 29.01.2017, 18:37 ] | |||
Post subject: | Having problem with deferred pipeline | |||
Hi Guys! I have a problem with the deferred pipeline came along the beta5 source. To be honest i didn't use deferred pipeline before(used only my own customize version of forword pipeline, and it's always worked good). But recently i decided to add SSAO into the pipeline. For this reason i first check the main standard deferred pipeline, but it seems the pipeline not working. Here is the Chicago demo, you can see just a black screen. ONE THING [I change nothing of the actual deferred pipeline of the beta5 master source branch] Here is the pipeline. {Deferred.pipeline.xml} Code: <!-- Deferred Shading Pipeline --> <Pipeline> <Setup> <RenderTarget id="GBUFFER" depthBuf="true" numColBufs="4" format="RGBA16F" scale="1.0" /> </Setup> <CommandQueue> <Stage id="Attribpass"> <SwitchTarget target="GBUFFER" /> <ClearTarget depthBuf="true" colBuf0="true" /> <DrawGeometry context="ATTRIBPASS" /> </Stage> <Stage id="Lighting" link="pipelines/globalSettings.material.xml"> <SwitchTarget target="" /> <ClearTarget colBuf0="true" /> <!-- Copy depth buffer to allow occlusion culling of lights --> <BindBuffer sampler="depthBuf" sourceRT="GBUFFER" bufIndex="32" /> <DrawQuad material="materials/light.material.xml" context="COPY_DEPTH" /> <UnbindBuffers /> <BindBuffer sampler="gbuf0" sourceRT="GBUFFER" bufIndex="0" /> <BindBuffer sampler="gbuf1" sourceRT="GBUFFER" bufIndex="1" /> <BindBuffer sampler="gbuf2" sourceRT="GBUFFER" bufIndex="2" /> <BindBuffer sampler="gbuf3" sourceRT="GBUFFER" bufIndex="3" /> <DrawQuad material="materials/light.material.xml" context="AMBIENT" /> <DoDeferredLightLoop /> <UnbindBuffers /> </Stage> <Stage id="Overlays"> <DrawOverlays context="OVERLAY" /> </Stage> </CommandQueue> </Pipeline> {light.material.xml} Code: <Material> <Shader source="shaders/deferredLighting.shader"/> </Material> {deferredLighting.shader} Code: [[FX]] // Samplers sampler2D depthBuf = sampler_state { Address = Clamp; }; sampler2D gbuf0 = sampler_state { Address = Clamp; }; sampler2D gbuf1 = sampler_state { Address = Clamp; }; sampler2D gbuf2 = sampler_state { Address = Clamp; }; sampler2D gbuf3 = sampler_state { Address = Clamp; }; samplerCube ambientMap = sampler_state { Address = Clamp; Filter = Bilinear; MaxAnisotropy = 1; }; // Contexts context AMBIENT { VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_FSQUAD; PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_AMBIENT; ZWriteEnable = false; BlendMode = Replace; } context LIGHTING { VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_VOLUME; PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_LIGHTING; ZWriteEnable = false; BlendMode = Add; } context COPY_DEPTH { VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_FSQUAD; PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_COPY_DEPTH; } [[VS_FSQUAD]] uniform mat4 projMat; attribute vec3 vertPos; varying vec2 texCoords; void main( void ) { texCoords = vertPos.xy; gl_Position = projMat * vec4( vertPos, 1 ); } [[VS_VOLUME]] uniform mat4 viewProjMat; uniform mat4 worldMat; attribute vec3 vertPos; varying vec4 vpos; void main( void ) { vpos = viewProjMat * worldMat * vec4( vertPos, 1 ); gl_Position = vpos; } [[FS_AMBIENT]] #include "shaders/utilityLib/fragDeferredRead.glsl" uniform samplerCube ambientMap; varying vec2 texCoords; void main( void ) { if( getMatID( texCoords ) == 0.0 ) // Background { gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3( 0, 0, 0 ); } else if( getMatID( texCoords ) == 2.0 ) // Sky { gl_FragColor.rgb = getAlbedo( texCoords ); } else { gl_FragColor.rgb = getAlbedo( texCoords ) * textureCube( ambientMap, getNormal( texCoords ) ).rgb; } } [[FS_LIGHTING]] #include "shaders/utilityLib/fragLighting.glsl" #include "shaders/utilityLib/fragDeferredRead.glsl" uniform mat4 viewMat; varying vec4 vpos; void main( void ) { vec2 fragCoord = (vpos.xy / vpos.w) * 0.5 + 0.5; if( getMatID( fragCoord ) == 1.0 ) // Standard phong material { vec3 pos = getPos( fragCoord ) + viewerPos; float vsPos = (viewMat * vec4( pos, 1.0 )).z; vec4 specParams = getSpecParams( fragCoord ); gl_FragColor.rgb = calcPhongSpotLight( pos, getNormal( fragCoord ), getAlbedo( fragCoord ), specParams.rgb, specParams.a, -vsPos, 0.3 ); } else discard; } [[FS_COPY_DEPTH]] uniform sampler2D depthBuf; varying vec2 texCoords; void main( void ) { gl_FragDepth = texture2D( depthBuf, texCoords ).r; } Here i'm also including the model shader(and also not changed at all). {model.shader} Code: [[FX]] // Supported Flags /* --------------- _F01_Skinning _F02_NormalMapping _F03_ParallaxMapping _F04_EnvMapping _F05_AlphaTest */ // Samplers sampler2D albedoMap = sampler_state { Texture = "textures/common/white.tga"; }; sampler2D normalMap = sampler_state { Texture = "textures/common/defnorm.tga"; }; samplerCube ambientMap = sampler_state { Address = Clamp; Filter = Bilinear; MaxAnisotropy = 1; }; samplerCube envMap = sampler_state { Address = Clamp; Filter = Bilinear; MaxAnisotropy = 1; }; // Uniforms float4 matDiffuseCol < string desc_abc = "abc: diffuse color"; string desc_d = "d: alpha for opacity"; > = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; float4 matSpecParams < string desc_abc = "abc: specular color"; string desc_d = "d: gloss"; > = {0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.5}; // Contexts context ATTRIBPASS { VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_GENERAL; PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_ATTRIBPASS; } context SHADOWMAP { VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_SHADOWMAP; PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_SHADOWMAP; } context LIGHTING { VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_GENERAL; PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_LIGHTING; ZWriteEnable = false; BlendMode = Add; } context AMBIENT { VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_GENERAL; PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_AMBIENT; } [[VS_GENERAL]] // ================================================================================================= #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping #define _F02_NormalMapping #endif #include "shaders/utilityLib/vertCommon.glsl" #ifdef _F01_Skinning #include "shaders/utilityLib/vertSkinning.glsl" #endif uniform mat4 viewProjMat; uniform vec3 viewerPos; attribute vec3 vertPos; attribute vec2 texCoords0; attribute vec3 normal; #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping attribute vec4 tangent; #endif varying vec4 pos, vsPos; varying vec2 texCoords; #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping varying mat3 tsbMat; #else varying vec3 tsbNormal; #endif #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping varying vec3 eyeTS; #endif void main( void ) { #ifdef _F01_Skinning mat4 skinningMat = calcSkinningMat(); mat3 skinningMatVec = getSkinningMatVec( skinningMat ); #endif // Calculate normal #ifdef _F01_Skinning vec3 _normal = normalize( calcWorldVec( skinVec( normal, skinningMatVec ) ) ); #else vec3 _normal = normalize( calcWorldVec( normal ) ); #endif // Calculate tangent and bitangent #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping #ifdef _F01_Skinning vec3 _tangent = normalize( calcWorldVec( skinVec( tangent.xyz, skinningMatVec ) ) ); #else vec3 _tangent = normalize( calcWorldVec( tangent.xyz ) ); #endif vec3 _bitangent = cross( _normal, _tangent ) * tangent.w; tsbMat = calcTanToWorldMat( _tangent, _bitangent, _normal ); #else tsbNormal = _normal; #endif // Calculate world space position #ifdef _F01_Skinning pos = calcWorldPos( skinPos( vec4( vertPos, 1.0 ), skinningMat ) ); #else pos = calcWorldPos( vec4( vertPos, 1.0 ) ); #endif vsPos = calcViewPos( pos ); // Calculate tangent space eye vector #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping eyeTS = calcTanVec( viewerPos - pos.xyz, _tangent, _bitangent, _normal ); #endif // Calculate texture coordinates and clip space position texCoords = texCoords0; gl_Position = viewProjMat * pos; } [[FS_ATTRIBPASS]] // ================================================================================================= #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping #define _F02_NormalMapping #endif #include "shaders/utilityLib/fragDeferredWrite.glsl" uniform vec3 viewerPos; uniform vec4 matDiffuseCol; uniform vec4 matSpecParams; uniform sampler2D albedoMap; #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping uniform sampler2D normalMap; #endif varying vec4 pos; varying vec2 texCoords; #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping varying mat3 tsbMat; #else varying vec3 tsbNormal; #endif #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping varying vec3 eyeTS; #endif void main( void ) { vec3 newCoords = vec3( texCoords, 0 ); #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping const float plxScale = 0.03; const float plxBias = -0.015; // Iterative parallax mapping vec3 eye = normalize( eyeTS ); for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { vec4 nmap = texture2D( normalMap, newCoords.st * vec2( 1, -1 ) ); float height = nmap.a * plxScale + plxBias; newCoords += (height - newCoords.p) * nmap.z * eye; } #endif // Flip texture vertically to match the GL coordinate system newCoords.t *= -1.0; vec4 albedo = texture2D( albedoMap, newCoords.st ) * matDiffuseCol; #ifdef _F05_AlphaTest if( albedo.a < 0.01 ) discard; #endif #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping vec3 normalMap = texture2D( normalMap, newCoords.st ).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0; vec3 normal = tsbMat * normalMap; #else vec3 normal = tsbNormal; #endif vec3 newPos = pos.xyz; #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping newPos += vec3( 0.0, newCoords.p, 0.0 ); #endif setMatID( 1.0 ); setPos( newPos - viewerPos ); setNormal( normalize( normal ) ); setAlbedo( albedo.rgb ); setSpecParams( matSpecParams.rgb, matSpecParams.a ); } [[VS_SHADOWMAP]] // ================================================================================================= #include "shaders/utilityLib/vertCommon.glsl" #include "shaders/utilityLib/vertSkinning.glsl" uniform mat4 viewProjMat; uniform vec4 lightPos; attribute vec3 vertPos; varying vec3 lightVec; #ifdef _F05_AlphaTest attribute vec2 texCoords0; varying vec2 texCoords; #endif void main( void ) { #ifdef _F01_Skinning vec4 pos = calcWorldPos( skinPos( vec4( vertPos, 1.0 ) ) ); #else vec4 pos = calcWorldPos( vec4( vertPos, 1.0 ) ); #endif #ifdef _F05_AlphaTest texCoords = texCoords0; #endif lightVec = lightPos.xyz - pos.xyz; gl_Position = viewProjMat * pos; } [[FS_SHADOWMAP]] // ================================================================================================= uniform vec4 lightPos; uniform float shadowBias; varying vec3 lightVec; #ifdef _F05_AlphaTest uniform vec4 matDiffuseCol; uniform sampler2D albedoMap; varying vec2 texCoords; #endif void main( void ) { #ifdef _F05_AlphaTest vec4 albedo = texture2D( albedoMap, texCoords * vec2( 1, -1 ) ) * matDiffuseCol; if( albedo.a < 0.01 ) discard; #endif float dist = length( lightVec ) / lightPos.w; gl_FragDepth = dist + shadowBias; // Clearly better bias but requires SM 3.0 //gl_FragDepth = dist + abs( dFdx( dist ) ) + abs( dFdy( dist ) ) + shadowBias; } [[FS_LIGHTING]] // ================================================================================================= #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping #define _F02_NormalMapping #endif #include "shaders/utilityLib/fragLighting.glsl" uniform vec4 matDiffuseCol; uniform vec4 matSpecParams; uniform sampler2D albedoMap; #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping uniform sampler2D normalMap; #endif varying vec4 pos, vsPos; varying vec2 texCoords; #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping varying mat3 tsbMat; #else varying vec3 tsbNormal; #endif #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping varying vec3 eyeTS; #endif void main( void ) { vec3 newCoords = vec3( texCoords, 0 ); #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping const float plxScale = 0.03; const float plxBias = -0.015; // Iterative parallax mapping vec3 eye = normalize( eyeTS ); for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { vec4 nmap = texture2D( normalMap, newCoords.st * vec2( 1, -1 ) ); float height = nmap.a * plxScale + plxBias; newCoords += (height - newCoords.p) * nmap.z * eye; } #endif // Flip texture vertically to match the GL coordinate system newCoords.t *= -1.0; vec4 albedo = texture2D( albedoMap, newCoords.st ) * matDiffuseCol; #ifdef _F05_AlphaTest if( albedo.a < 0.01 ) discard; #endif #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping vec3 normalMap = texture2D( normalMap, newCoords.st ).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0; vec3 normal = tsbMat * normalMap; #else vec3 normal = tsbNormal; #endif vec3 newPos = pos.xyz; #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping newPos += vec3( 0.0, newCoords.p, 0.0 ); #endif gl_FragColor.rgb = calcPhongSpotLight( newPos, normalize( normal ), albedo.rgb, matSpecParams.rgb, matSpecParams.a, -vsPos.z, 0.3 ); } [[FS_AMBIENT]] // ================================================================================================= #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping #define _F02_NormalMapping #endif #include "shaders/utilityLib/fragLighting.glsl" uniform sampler2D albedoMap; uniform samplerCube ambientMap; #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping uniform sampler2D normalMap; #endif #ifdef _F04_EnvMapping uniform samplerCube envMap; #endif varying vec4 pos; varying vec2 texCoords; #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping varying mat3 tsbMat; #else varying vec3 tsbNormal; #endif #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping varying vec3 eyeTS; #endif void main( void ) { vec3 newCoords = vec3( texCoords, 0 ); #ifdef _F03_ParallaxMapping const float plxScale = 0.03; const float plxBias = -0.015; // Iterative parallax mapping vec3 eye = normalize( eyeTS ); for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { vec4 nmap = texture2D( normalMap, newCoords.st * vec2( 1, -1 ) ); float height = nmap.a * plxScale + plxBias; newCoords += (height - newCoords.p) * nmap.z * eye; } #endif // Flip texture vertically to match the GL coordinate system newCoords.t *= -1.0; vec4 albedo = texture2D( albedoMap, newCoords.st ); #ifdef _F05_AlphaTest if( albedo.a < 0.01 ) discard; #endif #ifdef _F02_NormalMapping vec3 normalMap = texture2D( normalMap, newCoords.st ).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0; vec3 normal = tsbMat * normalMap; #else vec3 normal = tsbNormal; #endif gl_FragColor.rgb = albedo.rgb * textureCube( ambientMap, normal ).rgb; #ifdef _F04_EnvMapping vec3 refl = textureCube( envMap, reflect( pos.xyz - viewerPos, normalize( normal ) ) ).rgb; gl_FragColor.rgb = refl * 1.5; #endif } ================================================================================== Please tell me what i'm missing here. Thanks
Author: | Irdis [ 29.01.2017, 20:33 ] |
Post subject: | Re: Having problem with deferred pipeline |
1) Intel is known for its bad OpenGL support. Please try updating your graphics drivers to the latest version (currently the latest drivers are 2) Did you modify default antialiasing value? Deferred rendering cannot be used with MSAA (at least not with Horde's implementation), so you should set antialiasing to 0. 3) Try pipeline and shaders from develop branch on github. If it does not help, try to build the whole engine and samples from the develop branch. |
Author: | rasteron [ 30.01.2017, 10:20 ] |
Post subject: | Re: Having problem with deferred pipeline |
Hi, I can also confirm that the deferred pipeline works as of latest build or commit. You can just test it on the examples and switch between deferred and forward rendering (F3). Maybe it's just a gfx driver issue like Irdis mentioned. |
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