
Patches for 1.0.0Beta1: 64bit, linking under Linux, makefile
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Author:  Codepoet [ 15.04.2008, 17:04 ]
Post subject:  Patches for 1.0.0Beta1: 64bit, linking under Linux, makefile

Edit 1: Added patch for _mkdir


Patch against subversion r3, trunk. Tested on Linux, 64 bit: All samples still work.

I've already posted in the D bindings thread the problematic C++ name mangling under Linux. Prevents any not C++ linker to use the API.

_mkdir fix: use a more default access mode.

64 Bit fix in utImage.cpp

makefile for Engine: Now automatically generates terrain object files and uses them for libHorde3D.so. The makefile in Extensions/Terrain/Source gets removed now.

Edit: Patch attached as zipfile. Old patch in [code] tags refused to work...
Update: Newer patch. Fixes issues mentioned in the terrain sample crashing post introduced by older patch.
Important: This patch is applied using -p1 instead of -p0

File comment: Apply in trunk with: "patch -p1 < patch" after unzipping.
patch.zip [1.48 KiB]
Downloaded 624 times

Author:  Tommassino [ 19.04.2008, 10:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches for 1.0.0Beta1: 64bit, linking under Linux, makefile

hi pleas could you tell me how to patch it and what exactly does it patch ?

Author:  Codepoet [ 19.04.2008, 11:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches for 1.0.0Beta1: 64bit, linking under Linux, makefile

Tommassino wrote:
hi pleas could you tell me how to patch it and what exactly does it patch ?

First checkout the subversion repository.
svn co https://horde3d.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/horde3d

This will create a now folder horde3d. Go into that directory and then change to "trunk".
Run the patch after downloading and unzipping:
Edit: Old patch was:
patch -p0 < patch

New patch:
patch -p1 < patch

You can also apply the patch by hand if you don't have the patch utility installed. The format is very readable for a human: Scan the file for lines beginning with Index. That's the start of a patch to one specific file which is named there. Any line beginning with a "-" is removed and lines starting with a "+" are added by the patch.

I think I already wrote what it does. Do you have a more specific question?

Author:  Tommassino [ 19.04.2008, 13:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches for 1.0.0Beta1: 64bit, linking under Linux, makefile

thank you for such fast respons. You told me everything i needed to know

Author:  Volker [ 23.04.2008, 09:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches for 1.0.0Beta1: 64bit, linking under Linux, makefile

Thank you Codepoet for this patch. I integrated the 64bit compatibility and the extern "C" linkage under linux in the svn trunk version. I will check the patches for the makefiles later.

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