Apologies for taking so long to get everything organised!
I've updated my website with a host of information on Plight of The Weedunks, including the all important download link
http://www.stuckiegamez.co.uk/index.php ... e-weedunksYou *WILL* require TWO gamepads in order to play as it is strictly a two-player only game.
Which gamepads you use really don't matter, as I've opened up the engine enough for people to edit the button configs... but we used PS2 Pads with a USB converter.
I suggest reading at least the bottom of the page, which Jonny wrote as it gives instructions on what goes on in the game, with the controls as well. There's readme files within the ( 150mb! ) 7zip archive detailing how to fiddle with it to try get the game to run on as wide a range of hardware as was possible.
There was _one_ crash bug which I fixed during the Protoplay event.
There is still _one_ intermittent bug where Lua gets it's Horde handles confused, and random bits of geometry get deleted, or attached to the wrong thing. The physics mesh still exists however, so in the case of disappearing geometry, if you take a leap of faith, the physics mesh still exists!
As this is a Lua list problem, there's not much I can do save from re-writing the list implementation again and I'm not quite sure I'm allowed to do that just now.
I cannot release the source code to the game, but I can release the converter source ( which I'm in the process of updating my code to Beta2 and writing a guide on what I did in the first place to help others add extra bits to it! ) so if anyone needs that immediately, let me know and I'll throw it up as is. It's somewhat nasty though, and I'd prefer to fix it up and tutorialise it before releasing if that's alright

I should probably get a few more ingame screenshots and pick the best one to shove on the Wiki gallery!
Anyway, enjoy

Comments are welcome!
And again, I apologise for taking so long, and for the HUGE download!
Helps if I put a link up, doesn't it?