
Lightshaft shader
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Author:  Almahmudrony [ 13.12.2016, 13:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lightshaft shader

After changing Varying vec3 lPos;, The flashing rate has been decrease.... But the problem not gone...
So is there any way to send light position from code into shader... :|
and one question, Is that the lightPos (what i'm working on,you know doc don't saying about that much only this {uniform vec4 lightPos position of the light source in xyz components and radius in w}) screen space or world space?
may be it's world space because of "z" component, but i'm not sure :?: ....

Author:  Almahmudrony [ 13.12.2016, 13:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lightshaft shader

Thank you so much Irdis....
For your cool information, right now i'm using a simple hack, and that is i set the lightPos as constant..
like this..
vec4 v = vec4(0,20,50,200);

because my light is stand still in that position in world space...
i'll use this code until i figure out a way to update light position from my code into shader instantly....

Author:  Irdis [ 13.12.2016, 14:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lightshaft shader

Almahmudrony wrote:
Is that the lightPos (what i'm working on,you know doc don't saying about that much only this {uniform vec4 lightPos position of the light source in xyz components and radius in w}) screen space or world space?
may be it's world space because of "z" component, but i'm not sure :?: ....

It is always in world space. W is radius.

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